What does it do?
•••Personal Accident Insurance is an insurance policy that provides cash amounts if your customer suffers an accident and is injured.
Who is it for?
Personal Accident Insurance can be provided free of charge to a specific set of individuals, such as bank account customers, or it can be sold to a group of people, such as those belonging to a sporting organisation. It can also be offered alongside other insurance policies and by a wide range of organisations such as


Mortgage providers


Motor insurers

Sports clubs & organisations

Property letting companies

Trade Unions

What are the benefits?
Accidental Death:
Accident death may be part of a product, or provided on its own, and provides a payment if your customer dies.
Lump Sum Payments:
Sometimes called ‘capital sums’ — may be paid for specific injuries that your customer has suffered. These can vary from loss of use of a limb, to a broken bone.
Regular Payments:
Occasionally, weekly or monthly payments may also be made to support your customer if they cannot work.